Edited and updated March 2014.
Absinthe Information
The Real Absinthe Blog Global absinthe news, hundreds of cocktail suggestions, key facts, and best practice for bartenders and events.
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Linked In Connect with Artemisia, the company responsible for making La Clandestine and other absinthes available around the world.
La Clandestine is the most widely available premium quality absinthe in the world: it is available in the USA, UK, Canada, much of Europe, Japan, China, Hong Kong and Singapore. Not quite so "clandestine" nowadays! See "Where to buy La Clandestine" and see separate pages for the USA and the rest of the world.
Contact alanATlaclandestineDOTcom if you need help finding it locally or if you are a potential distributor and want to discuss working together in your market. In addition to La Clandestine, we offer Angelique Absinthe, Butterfly Absinthe and other specialities.
Here is a short history of La Clandestine, some information about Charlotte Vaucher who created La Clandestine in 1935, and the Wikipedia article on La Clandestine.
La Clandestine in the New York Times: November 2004 article featuring Claude-Alain Bugnon, the distiller of La Clandestine.
And one of our favourite videos:-
For more information, come to LaClandestine.com.

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