A few days ago, I was reading about the Earthquake cocktail(s): at least 3 different cocktails with an absinthe base. On this, it seems that the Savoy Hotel may have ignored the Toulouse-Lautrec version (3 parts of absinthe, 3 parts of cognac) and re-written the cocktail completely for their 1930 Cocktail Book.
Today being Halloween, it seems appropriate to look at another pair of cocktails: the two Corpse Revivers that are both featured in the Savoy book. There is more clarity here, with one being Corpse Reviver No. 1 and the other being Corpse Reviver No. 2. Corpse Reviver No. 1 is made with Italian Vermouth, Apple Brandy or Calvados, and Brandy and the Savoy states, "To be taken before 11 a.m., or whenever steam and energy are needed."
Corpse Reviver No. 2 is a more serious proposition: here are the ingredients as listed in the Savoy.
1/4 Wine Glass Lemon Juice (3/4 oz)
1/4 Wine Glass Kina Lillet. (3/4 oz)
1/4 Wine Glass Cointreau. (3/4 oz)
1/4 Wine Glass Dry Gin. (3/4 oz)
1 Dash Absinthe.
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. The book then notes:-
"Four of these taken in quick succession will unrevive the corpse again."
This version is thoroughly written up and discussed on the Underhill-Lounge blog, and also appears in the two new Absinthe cocktail books published this autumn: A Taste for Absinthe and Absinthe Cocktails. One of only seven cocktails written up in both books, this is obviously an important absinthe cocktail (incidentally these books define the dash of absinthe as being four or eight drops).
It's also a favourite of absinthe bloggers such as Stijn in Belgium, and of bars around the world such as the prize-winning Bramble Bar in Edinburgh whose Corpse Reviver no. 2 is made with "Zuidam Genever, Cointreau, Lillet Blanc, freshly squeezed lemon juice and Clandestine Absinthe."
I made it using an old, no longer available gin (Gloag's from the makers of Famous Grouse), Combier Triple Sec, Noilly Prat and 8 drops of La Clandestine. And slightly less lemon juice than recommended. It's a very enjoyable and refreshing pick me up.
So for Halloween brunch or lunch, what better way to start the day or to get it going than with this wonderful cocktail!
Thanks to Stijn for the picture at the top. And cheers from your friendly blogger!